Ecclesiastes 3

Five Considerations Before Closing a Business: Part II

2024-01-20T09:56:44-06:00February 6th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Deciding to close a business is a tough decision. There are multiple factors that need to be considered.   For instance, reflecting on your time, talent, and treasure should shape your decision as well. Today, let’s discuss your time.  I’ve counseled home remodelers who could make $30 an hour as a carpenter. But instead, due to common business mistakes, they’re working ...

The Weary Grind

2022-06-29T11:33:14-05:00June 27th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Recently, I called to check in on an old friend. Jimmy has been an entrepreneur for decades in the constantly changing telecommunications industry.   In the early years, Jimmy loved building his business. As his industry struggled, so has Jimmy.  It broke my heart to hear him say, “How long must I keep up this grind of making as many ...

A Relentless Bird

2022-05-05T20:13:58-05:00May 31st, 2022|Tags: , , |

While staying at my parent’s home, I was awakened by a bird at the bedroom window. For over an hour this bird pecked on the window and flew up and down trying to find a way in.   Repeatedly, this bird tried to enter, never realizing the futility of its efforts. Some entrepreneurs are like this relentless bird.   Persistence is admirable, ...

The Path to 80%: Part 3

2022-03-18T12:26:21-05:00January 26th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Author of Sacred Pace, Terry Looper, says that “If we work 80% of our time in our areas of giftedness, we will experience more joy and success.” We previously discussed discovering our personal gifts. The second step towards working 80% in our areas of giftedness is to assess your time. Author, Peter Drucker, recommended that we first know where we ...

The Gift of God

2022-04-16T11:30:48-05:00July 2nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

The job market is shifting dramatically. For example, 2.7% of the workforce resigned in the month of April, the highest since 2000. A variety of factors are causing people to make career transitions. For some, remote work is preferred. Others are discovering that with today’s job opportunities, they may be able to leave an unfulfilling job to pursue a more ...

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