

2021-11-18T13:42:02-06:00August 9th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Coach Tommy Bowden recently shared with our network the changes he saw over time when he was recruiting players. For example, early on, there was usually both parents involved in his player recruitment conversations. That has changed. Now it’s rare to have two parents involved. Tommy determined he needed to spend more time on character development. He developed a system ...

Successful Plans

2019-12-31T09:12:13-06:00January 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

It’s hard to know whether or not the plans I develop for the New Year are from me or from God. I’m a very optimistic person, so I have a tendency for my plans to seem unrealistic. Yet, if I’m carrying out God’s purpose, wouldn’t He provide all that’s required? Although I don’t have all the answers, what has helped ...

Reengaging the Disengaged

2018-08-30T10:16:42-05:00September 25th, 2018|Tags: , , |

There are times when a good employee suddenly becomes disengaged. They begin putting in the minimum hours possible. Their work gets sloppy and assigned tasks go undone. Susan David, in a past Harvard Business Review article, has three great ideas for engaging the disengaged: She recommends assigning the disengaged workers more authority and responsibility. She suggests learning from your most ...

Overcoming Resistance

2018-08-16T13:31:04-05:00August 22nd, 2018|Tags: , , |

Have you ever had a project that feels as if there’s resistance keeping the project from moving forward? Recently, I’ve been struggling with a couple of those kind of projects, so our team committed to pray together. Through that prayer time, I was given insight on a familiar verse. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all ...

Coach Carter’s Kids

2021-08-31T00:11:44-05:00August 21st, 2018|Tags: , , |

In the movie “Coach Carter,” Coach Carter’s team was comprised of selfish and rebellious inner-city kids. Building an effective team seemed hopeless until one of his team members tried hard, but failed, in finishing his assigned push-ups as punishment. When Coach Carter asked this player to leave the team, one of the other players volunteered, “I’ll do his push-ups. You ...

Persevering to the End

2018-07-05T15:06:06-05:00July 17th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Harland Sanders had a life full of challenges. Vocationally, Sanders tried the Army, being a blacksmith, a life insurance salesman, and even as a lawyer. Sanders started multiple businesses, but most failed. At 65 years old, Sanders persevered to make one last attempt to use his God-given gift of cooking! By the time he was 73, Colonel Sanders had 600 ...

The Bold Ask

2018-05-31T16:36:36-05:00June 29th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Jim was a new Athletic Director at a university that was building a new stadium. Jim lined-up an appointment with a past donor to the school, known to be a crusty oil and gas executive. Jim charged in with an aggressive pitch and boldly pronounced, “We need you to give us $1 million!” This executive said, “Who in the world ...

In You

2018-05-31T12:43:17-05:00June 8th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Do you think if you could become great like the apostle Paul, you’d have it made? Think again. Paul was a loving, godly man who devoted his life connecting everyone with Jesus. Yet, when Paul appeared in court, none of his friends came to support him. 2 Timothy 4 says, “Demas has deserted me… Alexander the coppersmith did me much ...

Desires of the Diligent

2018-02-12T15:00:44-06:00February 16th, 2018|Tags: , , |

As a young boy I saw a baseball glove in a catalog that I desperately desired. But I didn’t have any money. Then I learned I could earn the same baseball glove if I sold boxes of Christmas cards. The number of boxes I needed to sell seemed attainable in the beginning, but it became much harder than I thought ...

The Case for Unconventional Business

2017-11-30T15:19:49-06:00December 15th, 2017|Tags: , , |

When we apply Barna’s research, out of 155 million people now in the workforce, only 8 million approach life with a biblical worldview. For almost 20 years I worked in a variety of workplaces before I ever experienced a boss who not only had a biblical worldview, but also applied it to business decisions. Because that man applied God’s Word ...

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