
A Truth Teller

2019-11-12T10:40:16-06:00November 12th, 2019|Tags: , , |

When I was a teenager, my neighbor became involved in local politics. Elmer was first elected as a municipal judge. One evening I watched Elmer in action. A man and his attorney argued against a traffic violation. The attorney cited legal codes and arguments that seemed to me to be a smoke screen to avoid the truth. Elmer proclaimed, “Son, ...

Six Things the Lord Hates, Part II

2019-05-14T10:23:22-05:00May 20th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I introduced Dennis to Craig, a business owner who was looking for funding. Since I didn’t know Craig well, I warned Dennis to carefully vet this opportunity. At the first meeting Dennis told Craig, “I’m willing to consider investing in your business, but I hate liars. If you ever lie, we are done that instant.” A month later ...

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