Strategic Planning

Starting a Business God’s Way—Part III

2020-11-18T01:25:20-06:00November 18th, 2020|Tags: , , |

After my son was diagnosed with autism, a group of parents and I decided to start a school for children with special needs. Some professionals told us we could serve learning disabilities or autism, but we couldn’t serve both. As parents we fought that conclusion. It took several months, but eventually we concluded the professionals were right. We developed a ...

Rethink Not Tweak

2020-09-14T13:35:25-05:00September 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

An article by Fortune Magazine states, “The implication [of Coronavirus] is that companies will have to rethink, not tweak, their business models.” The pandemic has elevated the need for changes in business models to an extreme level in a short amount of time. Without warning, businesses were shut down, asked to create new ways of doing business without time to ...

Abandon with Purpose

2020-07-27T16:07:30-05:00July 31st, 2020|Tags: , , |

Late business leader and author Peter Drucker suggested, “In order to grow, a business must have a systematic policy to get rid of the outgrown, the obsolete, the unproductive.” Drucker believed that knowing what not to do is as essential to success as knowing what to do. And knowing when to stop is just as imperative as knowing when to ...

Pivoting Towards Ruin

2020-07-27T15:28:45-05:00July 30th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In our changing world, many cash-starved businesses are considering new business opportunities. There is a distinct difference between a pivot in your business and a shift in your mission. In the pursuit of cash, many will be tempted by a new product line or even a different business model. Although survival is critical, it’s just as important to be aware ...

5 Steps from Struggling to Thriving in Business: Part III

2020-07-13T11:29:21-05:00July 8th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Over the years, I’ve helped many businesses become more profitable. In this series, we’re discussing five steps to move from struggling to thriving in business. The third step is to Project a Realistic Future. Without a financial plan, you will continue with bad spending habits or miss your sales goals. If your business is struggling, strive to convince your creditors ...

A Written Commitment

2020-06-30T12:25:51-05:00July 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , |

In July 1776, 56 men representing 13 colonies signed the Declaration of Independence, declaring America’s freedom from Britain. These men’s written commitment made a difference for centuries to come. There is power in taking a stand, putting it in writing, and then having your leaders sign their commitment. In Nehemiah 9, Israel was at a turning point. After hearing the ...

Reopening, Part I: Restart Like a Startup

2020-05-31T23:55:52-05:00June 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

A Praxis Labs article described our post-lockdown situation as “every business is now a startup.” In this series let’s take a look at what Christians in business can learn from other entrepreneurs. One thing startups do is to treat ideas as a hypothesis until proven true. Right now, you may think that everything will return to normal. That’s only a ...

It’s How You Say It

2020-01-27T21:12:18-06:00January 31st, 2020|Tags: , , |

In a recent blog post about Mission Statements, the Mitch Cox companies stated, “We seek to honor God in our daily operations through Christian ministry as a real estate solutions company.” The article went on to explain their mission would remain the same no matter what industry they were running. They demonstrate honor to God by the work they do ...

The Sun Rises in the East

2019-12-27T00:16:55-06:00December 27th, 2019|Tags: , , |

The sunrise is a daily reminder of the fundamental and undeniable rhythm of God’s presence on the earth. The sunrise is the guiding light, the leading light that makes vision possible. The sunrise in business is the vision statement. The vision statement for a business illuminates the horizon, just as the sun rise illuminates the horizon. Luke 1:78-79 says, “Because ...

Gray Friday

2019-11-25T15:25:56-06:00November 29th, 2019|Tags: , , |

According to, the first person to reference the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday was Earl Apfelbaum, in 1966. Earl claimed that the Philadelphia Police called it Black Friday because of massive traffic jams and overcrowded sidewalks. Now, decades later, many department stores are closing and in-store sales are declining, Black Friday is becoming more of a Gray Friday ...

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