
Accountability Requires Vulnerability

2024-05-03T19:04:35-05:00May 15th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Due to a disagreement, my friend, Rex, was struggling with collecting monies owed him by a significant customer. At Rex’s monthly UBN CEO Roundtable meeting, he brought this issue to his group for discussion.   Rex, assuming he was right, was looking for affirmation. Instead, the group told Rex he had handled the situation improperly and that Rex needed to apologize ...

A Little Respect

2018-10-19T15:13:17-05:00October 22nd, 2018|Tags: , , |

In my first job as a commercial lender, one of my responsibilities was to occasionally work on Saturday mornings. My first several Saturday’s were boring with no loan requests. However, one Saturday morning something else came up, so I just didn’t show-up for work. Monday morning my boss firmly rebuked me and stated what the consequences would be in the ...

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