People & Culture

How Much Work Is Enough? Part IV

2020-04-22T11:54:08-05:00April 23rd, 2020|Tags: , , |

In this series on how much work is enough, we’ve discussed some thoughts on determining your work schedule. In a Wall Street Journal article, Dr. Pang discovered that shorter work weeks has proven successful for many businesses. For instance, Microsoft Japan turned heads when they announced that productivity increased by 40% and electricity dropped 23% when they shifted to four-day ...

A Day of Love

2019-05-28T14:05:06-05:00February 14th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Valentine’s Day highlights love. In the workplace, we may hear people who love their customers, but loving employees makes many too nervous to discuss such an idea. The MeToo Movement has further amplified this fear. With many celebrities and leaders accused of sexual impropriety, many are reconsidering even having private meetings with someone of the opposite sex. This can be ...

A Different Jesus

2019-02-12T21:24:52-06:00February 13th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Over the years we’ve hired dozens of speakers for our events. In addition, my wife, Kathy, is now also hiring speakers for our UB Women Gatherings. We’ve noticed that it has become more important to check out the beliefs of those who label themselves as Christians. The word Christian has morphed to mean many different things to different people. In ...

Necessary Evil or True Blessing

2019-01-02T16:09:54-06:00January 30th, 2019|Tags: , , |

As company President, Stephanie thought to herself, “Business would be much easier without employees!” This thought followed trivial employee comments about the kind of toilet paper, or the smoking area location. “Don’t you know I have bigger concerns than these?” Stephanie ranted. In Stephanie’s heart she considered employees to be a necessary evil.  She needed them to get a job ...

The Integrators

2018-11-21T09:42:06-06:00November 21st, 2018|Tags: , , |

The Barna Group recently released a study called “Christians at Work.” To discover how well Christians are integrating their faith, Barna grouped professing Christians into three categories: Compartmentalizers, Onlookers, and Integrators. Compartmentalizers are pragmatic employees without strong connections between their faith and work. Onlookers are passive about their faith and work. Finally, Integrators are enthusiastic employees deeply connecting their faith ...

Lack of Respect

2018-10-29T16:52:36-05:00November 1st, 2018|Tags: , , |

Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar had a surprising challenge in his upcoming election. Six of his siblings publicly condemned him and sided with his opponent due to their disdain for his political beliefs. Just as families are being split apart by the extremely partisan nature of politics, so are many workplaces. When emotions boil, a lack of respect for other human ...

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