
Causes of Conflict Part III

2018-03-14T08:42:01-05:00January 24th, 2018|Tags: , , |

This week we’re discussing some of the causes of conflict in today’s workplace. One of those causes is deceit. While working as a lender at a large bank part of my job was to recruit new bank customers. On one occasion, after years of hard work, I finally landed an account from a high-profile company. A superior of mine, however, ...

Wealth and Happiness

2017-12-26T15:18:36-06:00January 19th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Two researchers from Harvard Business school reported in the Wall Street Journal about a study they completed on “happiness.” According to Grant Donnelly and Michael Norton, their study focused specifically on wealth and happiness in millionaires. They surveyed over 4,000 millionaires to determine if increased wealth brings happiness and if their happiness was impacted by whether the wealth was earned ...

It’s Probably Already Enough

2018-03-14T08:42:07-05:00December 14th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Many people pursue wealth at the expense of relationships with family and friends. Why is that? I think it’s because, Money appears easier to achieve than healthy relationships, and We mistakenly think money will insulate us and give us the upper hand when we have relationship problems. Proverbs 23 teaches, “Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise ...

Take a Plain Path

2017-11-30T14:59:47-06:00December 12th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Opportunities to compromise just this one time because so much is at stake will open paths to more compromise. Integrity is a straight path. Crooked paths, even toward justifiable causes will destroy our peace, our marriages, and our businesses. Abraham desperately wanted a son and couldn’t wait for God to come through. He violated integrity when he impregnated his wife’s ...

Don’t Push Yourself to the Front

2018-03-14T08:42:08-05:00December 8th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Have you ever forced yourself to the front only to be pushed to the back? I wonder how many people in the front were invited and how many pushed their way up? We’re wired to want to be seen. After all, if we spend a lifetime struggling, shouldn’t we expect a position, a trophy, or our story in the news? ...

The Work Week

2017-11-02T16:01:39-05:00November 17th, 2017|Tags: , , |

You might be surprised to learn that the U.S. ranks only 17th out of 38 countries on the number of hours worked per employee. According to US News and World Report, the average U.S. worker works 34.4 hours per week. Mexico is significantly higher at 42.8 hours per week, while Germany surprisingly has the least number of hours worked. Our ...

Your Priorities

2018-03-14T08:42:09-05:00November 13th, 2017|Tags: , , |

The first time I met Gregg, he said, “Rick, if you choose to work with me you need to know my priorities in life. God’s first, my family’s second, and this job is third.” As a person who had been “running from God” for decades, I couldn’t grasp how Gregg’s priorities would impact the way he ran the bank where ...

One More Hour

2017-11-01T14:57:39-05:00November 6th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Time is such a precious commodity that gaining even one hour can be refreshing. Over the course of the year, Daylight Savings Time doesn’t really give us an extra hour, but this time of year it feels like it as we get to turn our clocks back. One hour of time you will never get back. How will you choose ...

Reformation Day

2017-10-10T16:30:56-05:00October 31st, 2017|Tags: , , |

500 years ago, today, Martin Luther wrote a letter in protest to Johann Tetzel’s business venture. Tetzel had been sent by Pope Leo 10 to raise money for St. Peter’s Basilica. Tetzel creatively began selling what he called “indulgences.” Tetzel assured the poor that if they paid an “indulgence” to the church, their loved one’s souls would immediately be released ...

The Folly of Dishonesty

2017-10-10T16:21:15-05:00October 30th, 2017|Tags: , , |

In our world, a little dishonesty is okay if you can get away with it and it helps you get ahead. Businesses use puffery in advertisements to excite us into buying their products. Businesses lie about their markups and hours so they can squeeze a little more profit from us. We accept this and look the other way. If everyone ...


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