Love God

A Missing Quality

2022-01-01T14:01:23-06:00October 26th, 2021|Tags: , , |

A quality that is seldom heard about and seems lacking in our culture today is reverence. Instead of revering God, His name is used in vain constantly throughout America’s workplaces. The Israelites had such reverence for God that when they built the temple under King Solomon’s leadership, no hammer, chisel or any other iron tool was heard at the temple site ...

Columbus Day Reflection

2021-12-31T15:06:01-06:00October 11th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

You have to admire Christopher Columbus’ adventurous spirit. He persistently pursued his dream of sailing to what he believed was the West Indies. Although he set sail with faulty assumptions of the circumference of the earth, it still took a great deal of courage to set out on a journey no one had yet traveled. According to, Columbus wrote, ...

Five Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs: God-Honoring Vision

2021-10-18T15:06:01-05:00September 6th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we are looking at five traits common to successful entrepreneurs and how unconventional business leaders should approach each. Successful entrepreneurs see how the world is changing and how that creates opportunities and challenges, and from that they develop a strategy for how they can create value for their stakeholders in the midst of this turmoil. Unfortunately, many ...

Stakeholder Capitalism

2021-10-20T14:21:43-05:00August 30th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

“Stakeholder capitalism” encourages companies to be run for the benefit of all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, investors and communities. But what is a CEO to do when different stakeholders have different priorities? In today’s world, different stakeholders demand attention for the environment, racial injustice, and political issues, while expecting you to still run a profitable company. For Biblically grounded ...

Back to Work

2022-04-23T00:03:26-05:00June 1st, 2021|Tags: , , |

In April, only 266,000 jobs were added to the U.S. economy while the experts had predicted 1 million. Yet, according to the National Federation of Independent Business, 44% of small businesses said they had job openings they couldn’t fill. One potential reason for this gap is the government paying people more to stay home on unemployment than if they go ...

A Godly Mission

2023-02-10T21:05:50-06:00February 10th, 0202|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re looking at a framework as an answer to the question “How do I involve God in my business?” The foundation is loving God and loving neighbors, and we’ve described the first level of the framework as operating according to Biblical values and principles.  A second level business has an explicitly Godly mission. Whatever industry you ...

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