Love God

Carrying a Grudge

2023-07-10T09:15:17-05:00July 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Mark had two business partners. Mark and one of those partners had a falling out that resulted in some deep hurt and ultimately destroyed the partnership.  Bitterness permeated Mark and impacted his attitude for years. He couldn’t shake the grudge he had against his former partner.   It took years for Mark to finally forgive that partner and eliminate the bitterness.  ...

Unproductive Work Habits: Part IV

2023-05-26T10:36:02-05:00June 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’ve been discussing how meetings and email are consuming the average worker’s time, making us less productive. Recently, I’ve noticed another trend that concerns me – the growing number of messaging tools.  When I first started my consulting business, if someone wanted to reach me, their choice was to call me or drop by. In the last ...

A Worthy Life

2023-05-08T13:52:21-05:00May 29th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As we celebrate Memorial Day, I’m reminded of the end of the movie, Saving Private Ryan. Private Ryan is in a cemetery reflecting on the men who died in World War II due to their mission of retrieving him from combat.  Private Ryan wrestles with how well he lived out his life after the war. He struggled with knowing ...

The Transformed Life

2023-05-05T16:55:05-05:00May 26th, 2023|Tags: , , |

If you had known me when I was working construction during college, you would have experienced a very different person. At that stage in my life, my language was filthy, I drank heavily, I was a thief, and women were not treated respectfully.   In my early 30s, when God finally captured my heart, I had to begin killing off my ...

Slowing Down the Busyness: Part I

2023-04-22T09:59:44-05:00May 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article discussed the culture of busyness that permeates the workforce. Adam Waytz, the author, had several antidotes for the growing prevalence of busyness.  One performance coach tracked the responses of people she met for one week. When asked, “How are you?” eight out of ten responded, “Busy.” According to Gallup, the number of people who ...

Good Friday

2023-03-17T14:13:22-05:00April 7th, 2023|Tags: , , |

According to the Oxford English Dictionary the word good in the context of “Good Friday” actually references this day in history as being holy due to Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.   God’s ways, and the Bible, are full of paradoxes. The darkest day in history also begins the best weekend in history as Jesus not only died for our sins, ...

The Snares of Success: Part V

2023-03-04T11:08:16-06:00March 31st, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing some of the snares that can surface when a business leader begins experiencing success. The final snare I wish to discuss is pride.  When I was in banking, I watched several companies begin to experience rapid success, often leading to newspaper articles and favorable press. The CEO’s pride often led them to pursue more and ...

God’s Generous Response

2023-02-17T21:14:46-06:00February 17th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Last year, some friends of mine made a bold move. They previously tithed 10% of their company net profits to charity, but God stirred their hearts to increase giving to 10% of their gross revenue.  Like many steps of faith, God will test your commitment. After my friends made their pledge to change their giving, they lost their biggest ...

A New Beginning

2022-12-26T09:57:04-06:00January 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , |

King Josiah discovered the Word of God. It had been lost in the temple for years. After studying it Josiah was grieved at how far his people had strayed. It was time for a new beginning. In 2 Kings 23:3, we read, “The king stood by the pillar and renewed the covenant in the presence of the LORD—to follow the ...

Keeping Your Faith Secret

2022-12-02T11:53:27-06:00December 27th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Have you ever kept your faith secret at work? That’s the question that a recent Deseret News poll asked top business leaders. 54% of these leaders responded “yes,” that they had sometime in the past kept their faith secret.   When they asked these leaders why, the two primary reasons were “possible tension with colleagues” and “social exclusion.” Basically, they were ...

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