
Methods to Glorify God with Your Business: Part II

2023-11-25T13:39:16-06:00December 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

My friend, Rob, recently spoke on three primary ways that businesses can honor God. In this series, we are addressing these three methods.   The second method to honor God is by being people-driven. Sadly, some business leaders treat others like a commodity to be used for selfish ambition.   However, a kingdom-focused business, needs to realize that God has entrusted our ...

Shame and Secrets

2023-11-03T14:59:08-05:00November 30th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Matthew Richards was a children’s pastor with a secret. His Lenexa, Kansas home was in default and his family was scheduled to be evicted. Matt’s wife and children were unaware of their impending homelessness.  According to the news, Mr. Richards thought it would be better if his family died rather than face eviction. Leading this pastor to stab his wife ...

Humble and Teachable

2023-10-21T19:46:53-05:00November 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As I was pondering my friend Frank’s recent passing, I recalled the first time I ever had lunch with Frank.   He had just returned from his attorney’s office. Frank shared with me his legal situation and how his attorney had recommended handling it.   When he asked me my thoughts, I felt led to gently share some concepts from the Bible ...

Sin in Your Camp

2023-10-14T23:43:40-05:00October 20th, 2023|Tags: , , |

As an employer, the story of Achan’s sin in the book of Joshua has troubled me. Joshua didn’t know that one of his soldiers had violated God’s command, yet Joshua suffered the loss of thirty-six men in battle because of Achan.  All Israel suffered for one man’s sin. But God didn’t punish Israel, He withdrew His favor.   Joshua 7:12 says, ...

Fighting a Losing Battle

2023-09-30T17:39:26-05:00October 13th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Last year, I made a $10 mistake on my personal tax return that resulted in the IRS demanding $175 in penalties. Although it’s cheaper and probably smarter to send them a check, I just couldn’t let it go. Especially since according to the tax code, I don’t owe any penalties.   When I experience an injustice, I tend to fight until ...

Justice Is Critical

2023-09-30T17:22:24-05:00October 11th, 2023|Tags: , , |

This last year I’ve heard multiple stories about retail store chains closing stores due to theft. This is especially true in cities where police protection has declined dramatically.  In addition, more stores have implemented policies demanding that employees not pursue shoplifters. Although there are safety reasons that may legitimize these policies, the result is even more crime.  When criminals ...

Communicating the Truth

2023-09-16T18:54:29-05:00September 28th, 2023|Tags: , , |

When my flight home began loading, I thought, “We’re only 8 minutes late. That’s pretty good for a Friday afternoon.” Unfortunately, that wasn’t the whole story.  For the next two hours we sat on the tarmac in a very hot plane. For the first hour there was almost no communication about why we were waiting.   In the second hour, we ...

Injustice on Labor Day

2024-01-26T22:12:13-06:00September 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

During 1894, the Pullman Palace Car Company slashed the wages of its employees while requiring them to work 16 hour days. Pullman also controlled the price of housing and necessities through their ownership of the local town.   When George Pullman refused to listen to his employees concerns, the situation escalated into a national shutdown of the railroad system. Federal ...

Taking on Target

2023-08-26T15:05:09-05:00September 1st, 2023|Tags: , , |

An investor recently sued Target for losing $14 billion in market value due to their LGBT campaigns. Although I understand this investor’s desire to push back against Target’s radical agenda, I personally think this is the wrong approach.   Suing companies due to the negative impact of their ideological views also risks conservative companies being sued for theirs as well. I ...

Infecting the Culture

2023-08-04T14:46:39-05:00August 22nd, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Have you ever changed jobs, suddenly immersed into a new culture? Did you infect it with your values, or did they infect you? The Prophet Daniel, as a teenager, was captured and injected into Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted Daniel and his friends indoctrinated into the Babylonian culture, so they were placed in an ancient management training program. The king’s plan ...

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