Human Resources

A Biblical Approach to Performance Reviews: Part III

2024-10-12T15:26:43-05:00May 22nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the book of Revelation, Jesus gave performance reviews to seven churches. In the third section of the letters, Jesus identified corrections needed and potential consequences.   Jesus demanded they repent from their inappropriate actions, and shared what the consequences might be.  There are times that our employees act badly or engage in activity that is harmful. This needs to ...

Employee Assistance

2023-12-31T11:36:36-06:00January 5th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Occasionally, I’ve witnessed an employee facing a crisis that grieves me. I want to help, but sometimes it’s more than I can do personally.   Fortunately, there are possible solutions like establishing employee assistance programs. A Corporate Assistance Program I’m familiar with allows the company and team members to donate money to a fund designed to help employees through crises and ...

Helping Staff Process Change

2023-08-27T11:20:44-05:00September 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Recently, I had to forewarn our son, Jeremy, that change was coming. We were in the process of moving to a new home.   The change seemed minimal to me because we only moved two blocks away to a similar home, but Jeremy, in part due to his autism, needs a lot of forewarning to process change.  Later, I found Jeremy ...

Injustice on Labor Day

2024-01-26T22:12:13-06:00September 4th, 2023|Tags: , , |

During 1894, the Pullman Palace Car Company slashed the wages of its employees while requiring them to work 16 hour days. Pullman also controlled the price of housing and necessities through their ownership of the local town.   When George Pullman refused to listen to his employees concerns, the situation escalated into a national shutdown of the railroad system. Federal ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part VII

2023-07-28T11:46:07-05:00August 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The final practice recommended is to support interfaith employee resource groups (ERGs).  According to the REDI Index, only 8.6% of Fortune 500 companies report having faith-oriented ERGs. TFactor and others are encouraging significant growth in this area, ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part VI

2023-07-28T11:39:38-05:00August 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The sixth practice noted is to offer ongoing religious diversity skill-building opportunities.  Sixty percent of companies in North America offer regular diversity training for their employees, but few include a robust focus on religion.   Small businesses may ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part V

2023-07-28T10:41:51-05:00August 11th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The fifth practice discussed was to provide meaningful and flexible accommodations for employees’ diverse religious practices.  Practical recommendations were explored like, when you create time off policies, consider floating holidays to accommodate different religious holidays. Also be ...

Religion and Your DEI Strategy: Part II

2023-07-24T17:38:06-05:00August 8th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Harvard Business Review article entitled, “Where Religious Identity Fits into Your DEI Strategy” provides reasons and seven practices to help companies embrace religious diversity. The second practice discussed is to articulate clear guidelines for engaging religious diversity in your workplace.  A diverse workplace can make for stronger teams, but it does come with risks if not handled properly. The ...

Restoring Souls

2023-07-09T18:18:57-05:00July 24th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A friend of mine, who frequently hires college graduates, recently shared with me about his interviewing experiences. One thing that has surprised him is that one of the first questions he is asked by these young adults is if his company has mental health coverage.  The workplace feels a lot more fragile today than in the past. This requires employers ...

Helicopter Parents

2023-07-14T11:06:17-05:00July 14th, 2023|Tags: , , |

The Wall Street Journal recently featured an article about a growing trend of parents being overly involved in their children’s efforts to secure a job or navigate their career. One mother actually came into the workplace to mediate a conflict for their child.  Other mothers have accompanied their adult children to job interviews! We’ve heard in the past about ...

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