Faith Integration

The Importance of the Workplace

2024-04-26T17:21:12-05:00May 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

For years, I’ve contended that the best mission field is the workplace. From an evangelistic viewpoint, the importance of the workplace is rising dramatically.   According to the Christian Post, from 1937 until the 1980s, about 70% of Americans said they were members of a church. However, a recent Gallup poll reveals that church participation has declined to 30%.  Since the ...

An Unconventional Business Professor

2021-11-18T14:51:42-06:00August 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , |

An article in highlights the work a friend of mine is doing by teaching faith in the workplace at Benedictine College. Dave Geenens is a multiple-time entrepreneur, business school professor and author of Truth and the Transcendent Business: Heresy or Prophesy? Dave has been teaching on faith at work because he believes that when business leaders practice virtues at ...

Bringing Your Whole Person to Work

2022-04-10T15:10:22-05:00July 19th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Coca Cola Bottling CEO, Frank Harrison, hosted a TFactor conference on integrating faith and work. During the conference, two attorneys discussed how to navigate the legal issues around faith at work. They highlighted, “Bringing your whole person to work.” These attorneys urged employers to promote and encourage their employees to bring all of themselves to work, including their faith. By ...

Best Practices Debunked

2021-02-11T01:25:34-06:00February 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

An article from Fast Company states, “The ‘best practice’ is one of the business world’s most common conventions, but it’s often arbitrary and based mainly on habit–the result of conditions that no longer apply.” The frantic pace of the world causes best practices to become obsolete as quick as they are created. Businesses guided by Biblical principles do not need ...

The Integration Box: Part V

2020-06-25T14:15:20-05:00June 26th, 2020|Tags: , |

In his book God at Work, David Miller highlighted four E’s of faith at work with his Integration Box. The final category is Enrichment. Integrating our faith with our work requires that we become spiritually grounded and enriched, but we can take our spiritual enrichment to extremes. John is a serial entrepreneur who attended a faith in business conference. When I ...

The Power of Proverbs

2019-01-02T16:04:44-06:00January 29th, 2019|Tags: , , |

While attending a funeral, I struck up a conversation with Joe, a guy I hadn’t seen in 20 years. As he learned about what I do here at Unconventional Business Network, Joe was reminded of his uncle. Joe’s uncle started with modest means in a blue-collar trade, but today is worth millions. When Joe asked about his uncle’s success, his ...

A Workplace Prayer Group

2018-11-21T11:25:04-06:00November 30th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Tracy, a Human Resource Director, recently called asking about starting a workplace prayer group. This prayer group began as an idea of one of her company’s executive team. Tracy recommended that someone other than this senior leader lead the group. In addition, she was considering doing the prayer group off-site during non-work hours while seeking ways to be as inclusive ...

The Integrators

2018-11-21T09:42:06-06:00November 21st, 2018|Tags: , , |

The Barna Group recently released a study called “Christians at Work.” To discover how well Christians are integrating their faith, Barna grouped professing Christians into three categories: Compartmentalizers, Onlookers, and Integrators. Compartmentalizers are pragmatic employees without strong connections between their faith and work. Onlookers are passive about their faith and work. Finally, Integrators are enthusiastic employees deeply connecting their faith ...

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