
Tax Deception

2021-08-31T00:14:27-05:00April 13th, 2020|Tags: , , |

When I was a banker, I was reviewing a loan request for someone who wanted to buy an additional self-serve car wash. I asked my customer to bring tax returns to verify his information. At our next meeting, he sheepishly handed me his previous year’s tax returns. “I hope you don’t make your loan decision based on this information” he ...

Dishonored Veterans

2019-11-12T10:37:09-06:00November 11th, 2019|Tags: , , |

POW Network is an organization that investigates military imposters. Their website claims, “More imposters lie about earning high military declarations for battlefield bravery than the actual number of real-life hero recipients.” It’s tragic that imposters are dishonoring our veterans for their own personal gain. Some imposters do it for the ability to scam money from others, others do it for ...

17,000 Lost Wallets

2019-07-29T10:23:02-05:00August 12th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Science magazine reported on a study conducted on honesty. Over 17,000 wallets were intentionally reported lost in over 40 different countries. Some of the wallets had no money in them, while others had $13.  The study revealed that 46% of wallets with no money were returned, but that increased to 61% for those that had $13 in cash! The researchers ...

Price Fixing

2019-05-28T14:41:44-05:00June 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

A recent “60 Minutes” TV segment highlighted Connecticut’s claim that several drug companies have been conspiring to dramatically increase prices on prescription drugs. After new drug patents expire, the government intends for competing drug companies to develop generic versions of the drug, making them more affordable for the masses. Unfortunately, according to the Connecticut Attorney General, several drug companies are ...

Napoleon’s Pomp and Circumstance

2019-04-15T22:57:58-05:00April 16th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Kathy and I recently viewed the Napoleon exhibit at our local art museum. One of the themes that stood out to me was Napoleon’s extreme efforts to shape the people’s perceptions of him and of his kingdom. At five foot four inches, and being bullied as a child, Napoleon was believed to have had an inferiority complex. Napoleon invested tremendous ...

Operation Varsity Blues

2019-03-31T21:34:59-05:00April 1st, 2019|Tags: , , |

William Rick Singer started a business 25 years ago with a vision of helping students navigate the higher education maze. Along the way, Singer realized that there were wealthy people willing to pay significant amounts to get their average children into premier schools. According to the Wall Street Journal, Singer’s business began devising schemes to hire test takers to sit ...

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