Integrity Moments

UBN’s Integrity Moments are daily nuggets of Biblical wisdom that apply directly to your workplace. With Integrity Moments, you’ll learn…

The importance of admitting guilt when you’re wrong

The causes of conflict and how to Biblically resolve them

How to prayerfully hire the best employees for your team and more!

Here’s what business leaders are saying about UBN’s Integrity Moments:

I just finished your 4-day devotional on Rebuilding Your Reputation and want to offer my sincere appreciation and gratitude for you writing it. I really needed it right now.

I love UBN’s Integrity Moments. I often share them with my team when it’s relevant to them, and I have invited others to subscribe. It’s a quick read, and it’s great how you pull out the biblical applications.

I read your Integrity Moments every day. Your design is really engaging for me. Three sentences, a verse, and a wrap up take-away. The last two Integrity Moments have been particularly meaningful and timely.

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Recent Episodes

AI Anxiety

2024-09-27T20:48:13-05:00October 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

Gallup and Bentley University conducted a poll on Artificial Intelligence that revealed that 75% of respondents believe that AI will reduce the number of jobs in the United States over the next ten years. These researchers also discovered that worry about the negative effects of AI was especially high among adults with less than a bachelor’s degree and over 45.  ...

Perceptions Are Not Always Reality

2024-09-27T20:17:39-05:00October 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

There were those times when my younger brother, Terry, and I would get into battles that resulted in pushing or shoving, or worse. Occasionally, I would start a fight with my brother, only to have mom or dad walk in during Terry’s retaliation.   Terry would get punished even though he didn’t start the fight. Had my parents listened to both ...

The Art of Persuasion

2024-09-27T20:25:13-05:00October 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the story of Daniel, the Babylonians demanded that Daniel violate his faith by eating food sacrificed to their idols. Daniel could have launched a hunger strike or he could have relented, but he did neither.  Instead, Daniel patiently won his bosses over with kindness, respect and logic. Initially, Daniel’s request was declined, but he didn’t give up.   Daniel regrouped ...

Take Time to Learn

2024-10-17T20:02:09-05:00October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

I was leading a non-profit board when we faced a divisive issue. Emotions were high, so we brought in a seasoned mediator to help us find a solution. The mediator recommended activities focused on building relationships and consensus to allow us to move forward.  I, and a couple other board leaders, decided the issues couldn’t wait. We pushed through ...

Feeling Undervalued

2024-10-17T19:53:07-05:00October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article highlighted experiments that discovered that 46% of people accepted job offers without any negotiation, out of fear that the offer may be withdrawn.  Obviously, they are willing to work for that amount. But they may feel they are worth more pay.  As an employer who desires to shepherd your people well, this information ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part IV

2024-09-21T13:04:39-05:00October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the last lesson, we discussed the third key to success, to meditate and learn God’s Word. Unfortunately, learning and meditating on God’s Word only gets you so far.  Joshua was informed that he also had to “be careful to do everything written in it.” Many business leaders quote God’s Word, but if we want God’s favor, He expects our ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part III

2024-09-21T12:53:27-05:00October 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Imagine becoming the successor to the most renown leader of your time and being asked to perform the one feat your predecessor failed to do. This is precisely what Joshua faced when Moses anointed Joshua as his own replacement.   Joshua was fearful and seeking reassurance, but he also wanted to know how he could possibly succeed. So he sought God’s ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part II

2024-09-21T12:45:08-05:00October 15th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Joseph went from being in prison to becoming Pharoah’s right-hand ruler and holding power over all of Egypt. Imagine the following Joseph could have today on the speaking circuit.   Everyone in business wants to know the keys to success in business, and Joseph seemed to have the answers. When we read the story of Joseph the most important key to ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part I

2024-09-21T12:38:12-05:00October 14th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Abraham’s servant was given a very important responsibility. He was to travel to Abraham’s homeland and find Abraham’s son, Isaac, a wife.  Success was critical. To travel over 400 miles and come back with the wrong woman would be disastrous for the servant.  Once the servant arrived at Abraham’s homeland, the servant still had the daunting task of determining which ...

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