
Courageous Leaders

2021-02-01T21:05:31-06:00February 2nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

If you’ve ever started a new business and fought for survival, those first few years, you know how hard it can be. Imagine if you had to do it in an oppressive culture where you are considered less a person than those around you. Many of our past black leaders have accomplished remarkable achievements and they succeeded in an environment ...

Pressing On

2021-01-25T23:48:41-06:00January 29th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Our mental attitude is important in moving forward after significant trials. We can easily get stuck in the past. Some people are pessimistic in nature, dwelling on the past problems. Optimists, on the other hand, want to look hopefully towards a brighter future. The Apostle Paul experienced many difficulties in his life including beatings, persecutions and prison, yet was an ...

Dare To Be Daniels

2021-01-25T23:41:54-06:00January 28th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Trial attorney, Mike Whitehead, was sharing an update on religious liberty cases with our network recently. His overarching message was, “Dare to be Daniels,” like Jack Phillips. Jack owns the Masterpiece Cake shop in Colorado. Despite winning at the Supreme Court, Jack has been sued three times by the LGBTQ community for refusing to use his creative skills to promote ...

Chasing the Dream

2020-11-24T12:35:49-06:00November 30th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Cyber Monday 2019 was reportedly Amazon’s largest sales day in their history, up to that point in time. This year it’s expected that over $9 billion will be spent on ecommerce on Cyber Monday! Only 26 years ago, online sales were almost nonexistent. Then Jeff Bezos had a vision for a startup called Amazon that many of us at the ...

Red Friday?

2020-11-24T12:31:35-06:00November 27th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In the 1960s, it became popular to refer to the day after Thanksgiving as Black Friday. It was common that for retailers the day after Thanksgiving began the turn to profitability―or what has been called “being in the black.” This year will be a dramatic shift for retailers who have grown accustomed to Black Friday being their most profitable day ...

October Surprises

2020-10-25T20:48:51-05:00October 26th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In America, October frequently brings political or financial surprises! In October 2008 we hosted a large Christian business event in Dallas. During that week, the stock market collapsed! A room full of business leaders were anxious about the surprises awaiting them. Our wrap-up speaker, Henry Blackaby, wisely pivoted his scheduled message to provide a historical context of what God had ...

Growing Persecution

2019-05-28T14:04:08-05:00May 6th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Kristen Waggoner with Alliance Defending Freedom wrote in the Wall Street Journal about the persecution she has received at the hands of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC labeled Alliance Defending Freedom as a “hate group” because of their Christian values. This resulted in Ms. Waggoner also being labeled and attacked. The window of her car was shot out ...

Carrying Your Cross, Part III

2019-04-22T16:54:54-05:00April 19th, 2019|Tags: , , |

In this series we are examining what we can learn from Jesus’ last week on earth in helping us address trials. There’s a saying that we are either heading into a trial, in a trial, or exiting a trial. Jesus spent three days in the grave before His resurrection. He was victorious over death, but just like Jonah, He spent ...

Carrying Your Cross, Part II

2019-04-17T16:02:16-05:00April 18th, 2019|Tags: , , |

In this series we are examining what we can learn about addressing trials from Jesus’ last week on earth. There’s a saying that we, as Christians, are either heading into a trial, in a trial, or exiting a trial. No one will experience a worse trial than when Jesus was beaten and crucified, yet Jesus persevered and looked to the ...

Carrying Your Cross, Part I

2019-04-16T15:18:29-05:00April 17th, 2019|Tags: , , |

As followers of Jesus, we are all either headed into a trial, in a trial or exiting a trial. Each of us has a cross to carry just as Jesus did. In the first phase of heading into a trial, we can look to Jesus’ triumphal entry. As Jesus entered Jerusalem the streets filled with people praising Him as the ...

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