Titus 2

No Regrets Living: Part IV

2021-12-31T15:46:15-06:00October 21st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the different seasons of life and how to live them with purpose and no regrets. The 4th quarter of life is typically those who are 60-80 years old. This is the season to turn your attention from yourself to others. It’s time to leave a legacy. Leaving a spiritual and financial legacy is a worthwhile ...

Developing Mature Leaders

2022-04-15T21:26:51-05:00July 9th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In the book “Rare Leadership in the Workplace,” authors Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder contend that maturity is the core leadership quality. They define maturity as a “collection of skills and habits we develop over time.” When thrust into leadership, our past skills of self-management are important, but incomplete. For now, we are charged with leading others as well. Relationships ...

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