Spirit Lead

Acquiring Discernment, Part IV

2019-07-29T09:54:28-05:00August 8th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

In Nehemiah 6, we obtain a glimpse into the amazing discernment of Nehemiah. In this series we’ve been discussing three elements that can be helpful for us to become more discerning.  The Third Element is to Listen to the Holy Spirit. As followers of Jesus under the New Covenant we have a benefit that even Nehemiah didn’t have, the Holy ...

Zero Sum Thinking

2018-11-19T16:28:05-06:00November 20th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Some leaders conduct business with zero sum thinking. They believe that one person’s gain is another person’s loss. A win/win solution is hard to comprehend. Zero sum thinking permeates many competitive situations. If your competitor convinces one of your customers to switch to their service, you might assume that you lost and they won. But what if losing that customer ...

Zero Resistance

2018-10-05T16:26:59-05:00October 17th, 2018|Tags: , , |

My friend, Pastor Adam, recently shared that some time ago he was wrestling with God over control of his church. As he prayed and studied Adam had an epiphany. When Jesus walked the earth, He only did what His Father asked of him. He had “zero resistance” to the Holy Spirit. Adam felt that God was saying to him that ...

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