
Leaving Wealth Behind

2022-01-01T13:45:03-06:00October 22nd, 2021|Tags: , , |

While recently meeting with a wealthy family, I was impressed that the husband and wife were in town to take their two adult children to a training on how to be good stewards with the family’s wealth. The father told me that evening that the personal inheritance of his two children was going to be determined by how good they ...

An Unexpected Legacy

2021-11-17T13:53:56-06:00August 24th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Years ago, a young boy rode his bike across town to see the Governor of Iowa, only to arrive as the Governor drove away. Determined, this young boy followed the car, shouting for the Governor to stop. Surprisingly, the Governor stopped and spent several minutes encouraging the young boy. While serving on a panel with former Governor Branstad recently, Lieutenant ...

What Is Legacy Leadership?

2022-05-19T21:52:51-05:00February 19th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

A blog from the Chief Learning Officer website states that a leader leaves a legacy when “the leader strengthens others’ capacity to learn, to reflect and to extract meaning from their learning.” Legacy is not just about handing down values from one generation to the next. Legacy Leadership helps others become lifelong learners or seekers of knowledge and truth. ...

Soul Care

2020-09-02T11:23:08-05:00September 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , , |

Years ago, I listened as a bank customer became loud and verbally abusive to one of our personal bankers. He said hateful things that crushed her spirit and had her in tears. Greg, our bank president, heard what was going on and intervened. He rebuked the customer, handed the customer a check for the balance in his account, and told ...

Leadership is Like Grandparenting

2020-06-26T11:50:45-05:00July 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

When our first grandchild was born, Kathy and I decided to do a Bible study on grandparenting. Many view grandparenting as an occasional babysitting duty. God desires us to realize we have an opportunity and a responsibility to help shape the character and spiritual development of the precious gift of grandchildren. In Psalm 71:18, David wrote “Even when I am ...

Training Young Leaders

2020-03-11T04:23:22-05:00March 11th, 2020|Tags: , , |

A former Navy Seal, Jeff Bramstedt, was greeting a long line of people after a speech when a nine-year-old boy named Tommy limply stuck out his hand and looked to the ground. Jeff looked Tommy in the eyes and said, “You can do better.” Jeff then trained Tommy to master a firm handshake. Afterwards, Jeff handed him a $20 bill ...

Lessons from Bezalel, Part II

2020-01-27T20:52:38-06:00January 28th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re talking about lessons we can learn from the character of Bezalel in the book of Exodus. Bezalel was the first person filled with the Spirit of God with unique skills, knowledge and abilities for being a craftsman. God knew that the work He was calling Bezalel to accomplish inside the tabernacle was going to require more ...

Becoming a Good Shepherd, Part VI

2020-01-12T23:24:49-06:00January 13th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In the Bible, the qualities of a good shepherd are similar to six qualities identified of Level 5 Leaders in Jim Collins’ book, “Good to Great.” The final quality is “leading with passion.” Recently, some college students asked me for advice about starting a new business. I encouraged them to select a business for which they have a passion. As ...

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