
The Hidden Blessing of Success

2020-09-25T00:40:13-05:00September 25th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In a recent article published by the Executive’s Secretary magazine the author states, “​Success is having a balance in your job through accomplishing your intended purpose. Helping others is hidden in it.” In the business world, success is most often measured by promotions received and income increases. This article is a great reminder that success is about who comes along ...

Pandemic of Generosity

2020-05-22T03:03:38-05:00May 22nd, 2020|Tags: , , |

In Stephanie Winslow’s recent blog post called “Worse Before Better,” she wrote about the difficulties of walking out faith in hard times. The difficulties are always great teachers. As we walk through a pandemic unlike anything we have before, how do we walk out generosity while keeping in mind our own needs? Deuteronomy 15:7 says, “But if there are any ...

Lessons from the 1918 Pandemic

2020-05-03T21:20:43-05:00May 4th, 2020|Tags: , , |

According to a thesis written by retired nurse, Susan Berry, called Politics and Pandemic in 1918 Kansas City, the Spanish Flu struck Kansas City in September 1918 beginning a battle of profit over people. Kansas City leadership wrestled for months over how much economic pain to withstand versus preventing additional deaths. Due to political pressure, the leadership pursued profits and ...

An Employer’s Sacrifice

2019-11-21T16:56:16-06:00November 21st, 2019|Tags: , , |

Luis Guitierrez was sentenced to life in prison for murder. After 15 years in prison, Luis began following Jesus and started work for Seat King, a business housed inside the prison where Luis resided. Luis asked his boss, Pete Ochs, to represent him at a parole hearing. When Luis’ hearing date drew near, Luis panicked because he had learned that ...

Scrooge’s Transformation

2018-12-17T11:22:06-06:00December 24th, 2018|Tags: , , |

When my son was young, I watched Muppet’s Christmas Carol more times than I can count. In the movie, Scrooge has a remarkable transformation from a greedy miser to a generous employer. If you’ve ever been an employer who has had to cover payroll, you can probably relate somewhat to Scrooge’s view on Christmas. Scrooge believed being forced to give ...

Giving Until It Hurts

2018-11-21T11:37:07-06:00November 29th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Charles Spurgeon was invited by a man to help this man’s church raise money to pay off a debt. This wealthy man also told Spurgeon to feel free to stay in either his country house, his town house, or his seaside home. Spurgeon wrote him back and said, “Sell one of the places and pay off the debt yourself.” Sacrificial ...

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