
The Hidden Blessing of Success

2020-09-25T00:40:13-05:00September 25th, 2020|Tags: , , |

In a recent article published by the Executive’s Secretary magazine the author states, “​Success is having a balance in your job through accomplishing your intended purpose. Helping others is hidden in it.” In the business world, success is most often measured by promotions received and income increases. This article is a great reminder that success is about who comes along ...

Building a Workplace Community, Part IV

2019-04-23T16:44:43-05:00April 25th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Karyn Twaronite’s research on workplace community mentioned in Harvard Business Review provides practical tips on how to check-in with colleagues effectively. One of her tips was to check bias at the door. When checking-in with a colleague, the discussion may turn to subjects that are challenging. Because of bias, we may not have ears to hear other people’s viewpoint. You ...

Building a Workplace Community, Part III

2019-04-29T15:13:33-05:00April 24th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Karyn Twaronite’s research on workplace community discovered that 39% of respondents feel the greatest sense of workplace belonging when their colleagues check-in with them periodically. Her Harvard Business Review article provides practical tips on checking-in with colleagues effectively. One tip was to seize the small opportunities to connect. A simple, “How are you doing?” can start conversations and a connection ...

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