
Sprint to the Finish

2016-07-26T13:38:16-05:00August 26th, 2016|Tags: , |

Matt’s daughter is a gifted track athlete, excelling in the 100 meter dash. She also is successful in longer distance races, such as the cross country event. Matt was surprised when her coach recommended she give up competing in the longer races. Due to physiological reasons, the coach believed that in order for her to develop her true strength, the ...

Helping Your Neighbor

2016-06-21T18:56:56-05:00July 15th, 2016|Tags: , |

The Rev. Clint Schnekloth in Fayetteville, Arkansas, recently wrote an encouraging article for the Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette about the importance of our faith in the workplace and how our work blesses our “neighbors.” As a Lutheran pastor Clint quoted Martin Luther as saying, "If you find yourself in a work by which you accomplish something good for God, or ...

Work Can Be Hard

2018-03-14T08:42:35-05:00July 13th, 2016|Tags: , |

Many people have been brainwashed to believe that their job isn’t important to God unless they are a pastor or missionary. Due to this flawed view, I have worked hard to change this mindset. In an article on Christiantoday.com subtitled, “If I Don’t Love My Job, Does That Mean It’s Not God’s Will For Me?” In this article, the author ...

God’s Ways

2016-04-26T16:10:52-05:00May 24th, 2016|Tags: , |

An entrepreneur, I’ll call Susan, who lived in Florida, called me for counsel. Later that day, Debbie, an accountant, called to discuss our free FIRE assessment. She was also from the same town in Florida. I prayed for both, but for Debbie I felt led to pray that God would bring customers and other Christians into her life. Two callers ...

5 Business Paradoxes – Part I

2016-02-20T19:48:24-06:00February 22nd, 2016|Tags: |

This week I want to explore five views on business that run counter to the Bible’s worldview. Each view, however, builds on the first business paradox. In the 1980s Milton Friedman, a famous economist, proclaimed that “the only purpose for business is profit.” Many leaders embraced Friedman’s view, striving for enhanced profits at all costs. In 1987, this worldview was ...

A Pure Work Life

2015-12-21T11:32:31-06:00December 16th, 2015|Tags: |

Erik, is a young leader who is hungry to learn and grow in understanding God’s word and applying it to his leadership role at work. I’ve watched him grow as he completed our “Ten Biblical Principles for Business” study, and our “FIRE in the Workplace” study. Erik has even led others through the FIRE study. After completing our “Ten Biblical ...

Creating Meaningful Jobs

2015-12-17T15:25:20-06:00November 6th, 2015|Tags: |

In an article on Ted.com, Barry Schwartz, author of Why We Work, explores how a custodian, a hair stylist, and a carpet maker find ways to connect their work to a greater good and to the purpose of their organization. The starting point for most jobs is a job description. If we desire our staff to work with purpose we ...

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