Psalm 78

A Ministry Plan for Business

2024-12-22T12:13:30-06:00January 3rd, 2025|Tags: , , |

As we begin a new year, many people have pulled out their strategic plan, their marketing plan, or their financial plan for the year. How many businesses, however, have ever considered developing a ministry plan?  If you’re sincere about your faith, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a plan as to your ministry goals and how to best minister to ...

Methods to Glorify God with Your Business: Part II

2023-11-25T13:39:16-06:00December 5th, 2023|Tags: , , |

My friend, Rob, recently spoke on three primary ways that businesses can honor God. In this series, we are addressing these three methods.   The second method to honor God is by being people-driven. Sadly, some business leaders treat others like a commodity to be used for selfish ambition.   However, a kingdom-focused business, needs to realize that God has entrusted our ...

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