
More Than Just Your Best

2018-08-05T20:49:30-05:00August 17th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Employers rely on their employees to do better than just their best, but to succeed. Here are four steps to having the best chance of doing better than just your best. Make sure you have a clear objective – stay focused. Be positive - your boss has given you a job because he/she believes in you. Keep learning - there ...

Swimming with Sharks

2018-08-02T11:47:55-05:00August 3rd, 2018|Tags: , , |

One evening Jaime and her son were watching the TV show, “Shark Tank”, when he asked what being a “shark” in business meant? Jaime’s quick response was that sometimes in business, people can be called “sharks” because they are aggressive, and scary. Her son’s eyes widened, and Jaime realized she didn’t want him to have this perception of business leaders. ...

A Different View

2018-07-31T19:45:44-05:00August 1st, 2018|Tags: , , |

The week of the NATO Summit, the Wall Street Journal displayed a picture of fourteen world leaders staring into the sky, observing NATO aircraft flying above. Thirteen career politicians were all angled to their left, while the one business person, Donald Trump, was angled opposite of the group, and pointed to the right. This picture is symbolic of the different ...

Reading Habits

2018-07-06T10:39:32-05:00July 30th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Lifeway Research learned that only 20% of Americans have ever read the Bible in its entirety. In my opinion, the Bible is the best business book ever. It has has sold over 5 billion copies, yet, it sits on the shelves of many business leaders unread. People will pay up to $3.3 million to have lunch with Warren Buffett to ...


2018-07-06T09:57:54-05:00July 20th, 2018|Tags: , , |

We all have blindspots. The point of seeing blindspots in others is not to understand how to help them, but to understand we have the same blindspots. Here are four steps to help you identify some of your most glaring blindspots. Ask your friends to tell you of your blindspots. Spend time away from your comfort zone. Spend time alone ...

The Power Hungry

2018-07-05T15:45:31-05:00July 18th, 2018|Tags: , , |

As a young banker I took a Dale Carnegie course on “Effective Public Speaking.” The first night we were asked to share why we were taking this course. One person who spoke was a newly appointed union president. Through clenched teeth, and with rising intensity, this man said, “I’m taking this class because when I speak to the members of ...

Leaders Who Embrace Change Part V

2018-06-29T16:35:02-05:00July 13th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Edith Onderick-Harvey wrote in Harvard Business Review about five behaviors of leaders who embrace change. Since change is constant, we’re discussing these five behaviors this week. The fifth behavior is to “look for boundary-spanning partnerships.” Many businesses have departments or silos that hinders a unified approach to advancing the business. A large bank had a technology change that was going ...

Leaders Who Embrace Change Part IV

2018-06-29T16:25:56-05:00July 12th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Edith Onderick-Harvey wrote in Harvard Business Review about five behaviors of leaders who embrace change. Since change is constant, we’re discussing these five behaviors this week. The fourth behavior is to promote calculated risk taking and experimentation. When confronted with risky opportunities, many organizations tend to ask, “Why?” Companies that handle change well tend to ask, “Why not?” Without the ...

Leaders Who Embrace Change Part III

2018-06-29T16:18:20-05:00July 11th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Edith Onderick-Harvey wrote in Harvard Business Review about five behaviors of leaders who embrace change. Since change is constant and necessary, we’re discussing these five behaviors this week. The third behavior is to seek out what’s not working. There’s always a need for discovering problems, but especially when major change is happening. I once worked for a CEO who began ...

Leaders Who Embrace Change Part II

2018-06-29T16:10:22-05:00July 10th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Edith Onderick-Harvey wrote in Harvard Business Review about five behaviors of leaders who embrace change. Since change is happening everywhere, we’re discussing these five behaviors this week. The second behavior is to look ahead and see opportunity. The author contends that all employees should be encouraged to look forward and help surface opportunities. Marion Laboratories founder, Ewing Kaufman, understood the ...

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