Judges 7

Eliminating The CLowns

2023-04-01T18:58:56-05:00September 7th, 2022|Tags: , , |

Olathe Kansas Fire Chief, Jeff DeGraffenreid, recently shared that part of the fire department’s role is to help educate children on fire safety. Years ago, the Olathe Fire Department decided to use clowns to better engage with the children.   For years, the program was successful, until recently when clowns became viewed as creepy.   Jeff decided to eliminate the clown ...

Cyber Monday Strategy

2022-02-19T12:48:37-06:00November 29th, 2021|Tags: , , |

In 2020, Cyber Monday sales were $10.8 billion. Yet, most of these sales went to the large online retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Best Buy. Many small businesses do little to compete with these mammoth retailers, feeling somewhat hopeless. Yet, I believe that small businesses can get a slice of the largest sales day of the year if they seek ...

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