Joshua 8

Navigating Sin in Your Camp: Part V

2023-10-15T00:23:09-05:00October 27th, 2023|Tags: , , |

In this series, we’re discussing the phases Joshua went through to address sin in his camp. We’ve discussed the warning, the sin and its consequences, the discovery process, and the punishment.  Once all those phases are completed properly, our gracious God brings restoration.   In the case of Joshua, after Joshua faithfully completed what God required, we read in Joshua 8:1, ...

Spirit-Led Marketing

2022-05-25T15:44:20-05:00June 3rd, 2022|Tags: , , |

When Jill Donovan, founder of Rustic Cuff’s, launched her jewelry business in Tulsa, God led her to some very creative marketing ideas that worked brilliantly. So, when Jill opened a store in Dallas, she decided to use the same approach with no traditional announcements or marketing.   But customers never materialized. Jill told me she learned the hard way that ...

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