2 Timothy 4

The Ten Commandments for Business: Commandment One

2023-04-08T14:36:58-05:00November 21st, 2022|Tags: , , |

Years ago, I spent time with a gentleman in Georgia who had developed ethical training for business leaders based on the Ten Commandments. His application to business was intriguing.  As a child, I memorized the Ten Commandments, but that seems infrequent today. In this series, I want to remind us of God’s commands and share how they might impact ...

Personal Transitions

2023-04-08T14:21:37-05:00October 14th, 2022|Tags: , , |

A friend of mine spent several years working hard on selling and transitioning his business to a new leadership team. When I asked him about how the transition has gone for him personally, he said, “I did a great job transitioning the business, but not so great in preparing for my personal transition.”  Over the years, I’ve seen many ...

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