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Lacey Ellis | Network Connect

Lacey Ellis is a natural innovator with over 15-years of experience as an Art Director and Designer in the field of advertising. She’s the co-founder of 3 Mile Per Hour Creative alongside her husband, Nathan Ellis. They are on a mission to intentionally slow the pace of life so they can serve God, family, and clients better. She’s also the ...

Ray Jarrett | Network Connects

Ray Jarrett is the Executive Director of Unite KC, a business owner, and an author. In his role as Executive Director, Ray is responsible for spreading the vision of racial healing, justice, and reconciliation through education, conversation, and creating opportunities for the city to participate in Unite KC’s domain-based structure and do “One Good Thing.” Ray is responsible for creating ...

Brig Sorber | President of Two Men and a Truck

Download FlyerRegister for Livestream!Register for In Person Event Brig Sorber is part of the founding family of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®/INTERNATIONAL, LLC., based in Lansing, Mich. and is one of the original “two men” along with his younger brother, Jon Sorber. As of August 2021, the company was sold to ServiceMaster Brands. The pair started the business in the ...

Mocktails Happy Hour | UBW

A no-agenda FREE networking event for women only! Register for event

Jeff Jerina | Network Connects

As an author, speaker, evangelist, entrepreneur, and host of the Men Unplugged podcast, Jeff Jerina, has a passion for helping men and women ignite their faith and succeed in life. Featured on Moody Radio, Christianity Today, Point of View radio, talk shows, and podcasts Jeff has spoken on a variety of topics, including His personal journey from severe depression to ...

Kadi Cole | Webinar

Kadi Cole has spent the last twenty-five years serving in local church ministry as an Executive Director at one of America's largest and fastest growing multi-site churches, a Director at Leadership Network, and a founding member of the Women's Executive Pastor Network.  Kadi authored Sticky Note Leadership, her bestselling book, Developing Female Leaders, and her newest book, Find Your Leadership ...

Alex Kendrick | Renowned Christian Film Producer

A Luncheon event Register HERE for $49 in person individual luncheon ticket or $450 table of 10. Register HERE for $29 live stream per person ticket. American Film Director | Actor | Author Overcomer  • War Room • Courageous • Fireproof • Facing the Giants • Flywheel Alex Kendrick has dedicated his life to following Jesus Christ and making His truth ...

Randy Linville | Webinar

Randy Linville is a former farm kid, trader, corporate head, and nonprofit andcommunity champion of every size team and dream. As CEO of Scoular, he diversifiedand steadied the agriculture supply chain company into US and international markets.As founding chair of the Commodity Markets Council, Randy united industry rivals tocompete in the world market. After his career, he helped form and ...

Tommy Bowden | Football Coach & Sportscaster

Download Flyer HereHead football coach at Tulane and Clemson Universities | Conference USA Coach of the Year | two-time ACC Coach of the Year | Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coach of the Year | ESPN and FOX sportscaster| Author of Winning Character: A Game Plan for SuccessRegister | In Person Register | LivestreamFor Tommy Bowden and his late father, legendary ...

Cayla Craft | Webinar

Cayla grew a 7-figure health and wellness company in her twenties and now runs a successful 7-figure coaching practice under the Mommy Millionaire brand. Cayla’s three beautiful kids and supportive husband have all seen a dramatic positive change in her family’s energy throughout this process. They’re all thankful that she took the leap and chased her dreams relentlessly. Her ultimate ...

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