Here’s the problem. A recent Ethics Resource Center study revealed that 41% of the workforce has witnessed ethical misconduct and 40% believe they work for an organization with a weak ethical culture.

With more than 180 million people in the workplace in America today that means that over 72 million people witness a lack of Integrity when they go to work.  Not only does this cause the American worker much stress, it also puts millions of jobs and businesses at risk.

It gets worse. Many people in business think Christians are just as bad, if not worse, than other leaders at doing the right thing in business. Christian leaders could be part of the solution, but according to Barna Group research only 14% of self-proclaimed Christians think and behave like Christians.

The solution for our unethical business world is for Christians to learn, model, and teach others to do business according to God’s Word. Integrity Resource Center has developed a comprehensive resource and training center to provide business and workplace leaders the training and resources they need to better understand God’s Word and practically apply it to their business dilemmas. We’ve seen God working nationally through other faith-focused workplace organizations, bu believe He is calling Integrity Resource Center to lead an Integrity Movement that will bring transformation and revival to our workplaces!

If you are ready to be part of this movement (or to be a bigger part)…here’s what you can do:

1. Sign our Integrity in the Workplace Covenant.
Known as the “FIRE” Covenant, when you sign this you are agreeing to honor God with Faith, Integrity, in your Relationships, and by working with Excellence.
2. Become an monthly Integrity Partner and commit to ongoing support for the work of IRC.
3. Join or start a small group using one of our two Small Group studies!

How has integrity—or the lack of—affected your workplace? How can you personally make a difference? Share below.