
Prolonged Prosperity, Part II

2019-01-02T14:08:43-06:00January 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

When business is booming, it’s tempting to pour your profits back into the business for the sake of expansion. There is a tension, however, in also keeping an eye towards the future. In Genesis 41, Joseph not only translated Pharaoh’s dream, predicting seven years of prosperity to be followed by seven years of famine, he also wisely told the king ...

Prolonged Prosperity, Part 1

2019-01-01T23:47:51-06:00January 2nd, 2019|Tags: , , |

As we near the record for the longest economic expansion in US history, many forward-thinking leaders are beginning to prepare accordingly. With almost 10 years of upward momentum it’s easy to begin feeling invincible and not fully understand what may be coming. Recently, I’ve had more conversations with wise leaders who do have experience with recessions. Many of these leaders ...

Too Much Good

2018-12-17T11:04:59-06:00December 18th, 2018|Tags: , , |

Whether it’s one large customer or one significant donor, when your revenue comes significantly from one person, your organization faces danger. Real trouble can come if anything goes wrong with that relationship. Another pitfall of having too much dependence upon one customer is the influence they might have. As your revenue becomes dependent upon one customer, you can be pressured ...

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