Taking a Stand

A Courageous Attorney

2019-06-04T08:46:32-05:00June 5th, 2019|Tags: , , |

A Mueller report finding was about the courage or disobedience, depending upon your viewpoint, of White House attorney, Don McGahn. Reportedly, McGahn claimed that the President called him at home, demanding he start the process of firing Mueller. Supposedly, McGahn believed this was improper and possibly illegal, so he refused. It takes courage to tell any boss “No,” but imagine ...

Tax Compliance

2019-04-14T23:31:26-05:00April 15th, 2019|Tags: , , |

In a 2017 IRS Study, 88% of Americans agreed with the statement that it is not acceptable to cheat on their taxes. Since they were responding to the IRS, we need to discount their responses. However, according to an article by The Atlantic, America’s voluntary compliance rate still scores higher in tax compliance than most nations. Taxes are paid when ...

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