Spiritual Gifts

The Seal Team of Prayer Warriors

2020-10-15T00:10:08-05:00October 13th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Leading up to Labor Day, my friend Scott hosted a 10 day prayer vigil for the marketplace. As we prayed for the businesses of Kansas City, in walked some women from the church carrying tambourines and praising God. Scott introduced me to this group of women by proclaiming that they were the “Seal Team of Prayer Warriors!” Scott then said ...

True Thanksgiving

2015-12-18T09:10:44-06:00November 26th, 2015|Tags: |

With the approach of Thanksgiving, our speaker challenged each man attending my men’s group to share a blessing God had given them. Some had relationships restored, others were thankful for supportive families, while some were literally given the gift of life. Each told an important story. For me, the minutes we spent in discussion resulted in a greater thankfulness to ...

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