Psalm 112

A Generosity Challenge

2023-02-18T16:59:20-06:00August 26th, 2022|Tags: , , |

One of the turning points in my new friend, Brian's, business, came out of a discussion he had with another businessman. This businessman asked Brian this personal question, "Are you tithing?" Brian proudly told this man that, yes, he and his wife had been tithing for years. Brian's friend said, "I'm not talking about personally. Are you tithing out ...

Generous Business Strategies: Part III

2022-02-23T15:05:42-06:00December 9th, 2021|Tags: , , |

Many Christians have heard about the generosity of Hobby Lobby, but there’s another company in Oklahoma City that many locals point to when discussing generosity. The company’s name is Jasco. When I trolled Jasco’s website, I was impressed by not only their extreme generosity, but also by their strategy. Jasco remarkably gives away 50% of their profits to charitable causes, ...

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