Luke 11

A Double Life

2023-03-03T16:31:04-06:00March 21st, 2023|Tags: , , |

As a rebellious teenager, I lived a double life. My family required that I attend church every Sunday, even though I despised going.    At church, I became masterful at saying and doing the right things. Whenever I was outside the church, however, the real Rick Boxx surfaced. My drinking and carousing would have appalled our church leaders.   Many people ...

From Theory to Practice

2022-05-06T22:49:04-05:00April 26th, 2021|Tags: , , |

The theory behind balancing a bank account seemed straightforward in college. But during my first auditing engagement, I worked two weeks trying to reconcile a payroll account. In theory it seemed easy, but with inadequate information it became impossible. When I told the audit partner, we were out of balance $900,000, he said, “Write off the difference. $900,000 is immaterial ...

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