
End of Career Choices: Part III

2024-01-03T14:16:33-06:00January 18th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Recently author, Bob Shank, shared about succession planning with a small group of Kansas City leaders. Bob stated that our choices include lingering, committing larceny, or leaving a legacy.  The final and best choice Bob proposed is leaving a legacy. Focusing on what’s best for the future of the organization will lead you to investing in those leaders who follow ...

The Legacy of Charles Stanley

2021-01-08T03:35:22-06:00January 11th, 2021|Tags: , , |

At 88 years old, Dr. Charles Stanley recently retired as the senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Atlanta. His son, Andy, recently interviewed Dr. Stanley about his illustrious career. Throughout the interview, there was a theme Dr. Stanley embraced to navigate many challenges in his life and remain faithful to God all the way to the finish. His personal ...

Fear of Failure

2020-04-28T22:03:33-05:00April 30th, 2020|Tags: , , |

At 25 years old I foolishly started a car rental agency during the most challenging economic time in my lifetime. Within a year I had closed the business, feeling like a failure. That fostered a fear of failure that almost prevented me from launching what today is Unconventional Business Network. In retrospect, I learned my failure had better prepared me ...

Values First, Money Second

2019-12-22T22:58:38-06:00December 23rd, 2019|Tags: , , |

Recently, I met with a new friend who was carrying a burden of concern for his children. My friend’s father had established trusts for each grandchild to be funded from the success of their family business. In the beginning, the trust amounts were modest, but as the business flourished, the trusts had grown larger than the family ever imagined. My ...

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