Human Resources

A Persecuted Realtor

2025-01-26T10:33:52-06:00February 4th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Wilson Fauber has been a Virginia realtor for over forty years, yet he was recently found guilty of ethics violations by a National Association of Realtors ethics panel. Mr. Fauber’s crime – years earlier he quoted Bible verses about marriage and human sexuality on social media.   According to, Mr. Fauber was charged with “hate speech” because of quoting the ...

The DEI Implosion

2025-01-04T16:04:52-06:00January 24th, 2025|Tags: , , |

As many Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion departments across Corporate America dissolve, many may wonder how we arrived here. Many policies were established with the sincere desire of offering better treatment and opportunity to minorities who had experienced injustice.  However, many non-minority competent people were passed over for jobs, resulting in claims and lawsuits from those who felt like they were ...

Overcoming Mistreatment

2024-12-30T12:10:32-06:00January 9th, 2025|Tags: , , |

Doug, a former boss of mine, worked for the same company for over forty years. His strong work ethic, faithfulness, and loyalty allowed him to steadily climb the corporate ladder.  But when Doug reached the top of his department, he was more subject to the wrath and whims of the CEO, resulting in occasional mistreatment or demotion.  What I admired ...

Employee Relationship Management

2024-10-23T19:54:32-05:00November 4th, 2024|Tags: , , |

My new friend, Gary Harpst, has developed a new tool that could prove to be just as important as our CRMs, called a Kingdom ERM for employee relationship management.  For task-oriented people, like myself, we desire to nurture our team, but without some form of reminders or prompts it easily gets forgotten. Gary’s system is built for companies who desire ...

Shaken Loose

2024-09-27T20:59:25-05:00October 24th, 2024|Tags: , , |

When Brian was appointed to a new management role at work, he applied his customary leadership approach to the new organization.  However, he quickly received feedback that the new team didn’t know how to take him. His casual and sometimes sarcastic approach was such a departure from previous managers that employees hesitated to follow his lead.  Paul told the Corinthians ...

The Art of Persuasion

2024-09-27T20:25:13-05:00October 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the story of Daniel, the Babylonians demanded that Daniel violate his faith by eating food sacrificed to their idols. Daniel could have launched a hunger strike or he could have relented, but he did neither.  Instead, Daniel patiently won his bosses over with kindness, respect and logic. Initially, Daniel’s request was declined, but he didn’t give up.   Daniel regrouped ...

Feeling Undervalued

2024-10-17T19:53:07-05:00October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

A recent Harvard Business Review article highlighted experiments that discovered that 46% of people accepted job offers without any negotiation, out of fear that the offer may be withdrawn.  Obviously, they are willing to work for that amount. But they may feel they are worth more pay.  As an employer who desires to shepherd your people well, this information ...

Demonstrating Discretion

2024-08-31T15:33:21-05:00September 18th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Sam was frustrated with his job and struggling with his role. He and his boss agreed that he would transition to a new role that seemed to be a better fit. Although Sam was grateful for the opportunity, it was still a major change. He processed it by posting his thoughts on an anonymous on-line blog.  Unfortunately, his boss heard ...

Needed Soft Skills

2024-08-24T11:21:12-05:00September 4th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the Kendrick Brothers new movie, The Forge, a young man named Isaiah is mentored by his new boss. Early in the movie, Isaiah’s boss notes that Isaiah doesn’t know how to properly shake hands.  Later, the CEO teaches Isaiah to shake hands firmly while looking his new acquaintance in the eyes. Many employers express a growing concern that many ...

Heavy Handed Employers

2024-08-24T10:46:59-05:00September 2nd, 2024|Tags: , , |

Unfortunately, our nation’s history includes seasons when laborers have been abused and oppressed. In the 1880s that was the case as the railroad barons required laborers to work on average 60 hours a week.  When one individual feels they’re being abused, it’s hard for that one person to individually overcome their employer’s demands. But when abused workers stand collectively, they ...

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