Ecclesiastes 2

Staying In Your Lane

2022-05-25T15:28:12-05:00June 2nd, 2022|Tags: , , |

Terry Looper, author of Sacred Pace, believes everyone should work in their areas of giftedness 80% of the time. When we do, he believes we find greater joy and are more productive.  At our Summit, Terry made an additional point about working in our giftedness that resonated with me. When we stray into areas in which we are not ...

Succession Planning: Part II

2021-10-07T15:52:47-05:00September 21st, 2021|Tags: , , , |

A friend has been helping me develop a succession plan for the ministry of Unconventional Business Network. One of the first steps he recommended was to consider the vision I have for the ministry 10 years down the road. To help with that step, I began developing a futuristic organizational chart. Asking the question, “What kind of people will we ...

Succession Planning: Part I

2021-10-07T14:53:38-05:00September 20th, 2021|Tags: , , |

According to an article on, roughly 40% of family-owned businesses will have leadership changes over the next 5 years. Succession planning has never been more important! Most adults do not have a will, so it’s not surprising that many business owners have no succession plan for their business. Our mortality is not a subject on which many of us ...

Labor Day 2021

2021-10-18T15:17:55-05:00September 3rd, 2021|Tags: , , |

Leading up to the first Labor Day celebration in the 1880s, a typical workweek was 10 hours a day, six to seven days a week. It wasn’t until 1938 when a 44-hour work week was mandated with overtime pay for over 44 hours. Changes came when employees were in great demand or had a better bargaining position because of labor ...

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