Acts 2

Four Steps to Model Christ at Work: Step Three

2023-03-17T15:22:05-05:00April 13th, 2023|Tags: , , |

A Gospel Coalition article by Miranda Carls provides four steps to improve your experience at work and to represent Christ more fully. The third step in this series is to engage in fellowship.  Having a group you can turn to for accountability, encouragement, and even ideas on how to better model your faith at work, is invaluable. Finding a trusted ...

Five Keys to Organizational Transitions Part IV

2022-03-14T14:03:37-05:00January 6th, 2022|Tags: , , |

In the book of Acts, the disciples were faced with a significant transition in their ministry. Jesus, their leader, had ascended to heaven, leaving them to carry on the work. The disciples wisely invested in corporate prayer. They, then, filled their leadership voids and rallied people around their vision. Their fourth key was to build a healthy community of followers ...

Five Keys to Organizational Transitions: Part III

2022-03-14T13:57:42-05:00January 5th, 2022|Tags: , , , |

In the book of Acts, the disciples were faced with a significant transition in their ministry. Jesus, their leader, had ascended to heaven, leaving them to carry on the work. The disciples modeled for us the first two keys of organizational transitions when they prayed corporately and then they filled their leadership gaps. The third key we can learn from ...

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