Listen to the latest 60 second episode of Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx
Integrity Moments is a 60 second workday devotional that provides business leaders with helpful insight into what the Bible says about our work and how we can fully integrate our faith into our vocational calling.

College graduates who desire to please God in their vocation are at a disadvantage. First, most of them are learning from books and teachers who have no interest in teaching a biblical perspective on work.

Secondly, many students enter the workplace working for bosses who seem to only model improving the bottom line.

That’s why we launched Legacy Impact Network. By pairing college students with Christian business mentors from their desired industry, we have trained dozens of students on God’s calling and how to live out that calling in the workplace.

Titus 2:6 teaches, “Encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good.”

If you know a college student who could use godly training and a Christian mentor let us know.


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