YouVersion Reading Plans

Start your day with YouVersion’s Integrity Moments reading plans and experience a new level of commitment to doing business God’s way.

Unconventional Business Network is thrilled to partner with YouVersion, a daily Bible study and prayer app that you can download for free on your phone or laptop. On YouVersion, you’ll find Bible reading plans featuring Rick Boxx’s workday devotionals, UBN’s Integrity Moments. Join the thousands of Christians worldwide who access YouVersion daily to enrich their walk with the Lord.

In this plan, you will learn about business leaders who understand that God cares about their work and has an amazing plan for their business leadership role. We call these business executives and their management teams “unconventional business leaders” because sometimes God calls them to operate opposite of conventional business practices. This plan will share seven qualities through the acronym “LEADING” that are inherent to “unconventional” leading.

Thinking of starting your own business? Are you a new entrepreneur looking for encouragement? Here are four qualities of entrepreneurs and the Bible references that illustrate them.

In the Book of Titus, the Apostle Paul provided some wise direction in the attributes that should and should not be present in an overseer or board role. We would do well to heed his wisdom when selecting leaders for church or business.

Integrating our faith with our work calls for four disciplines that “God at Work” author David Miller calls the Integration Box. Each of these disciplines is important for a fully integrated faith at work life. We’ll look at these disciplines this week.