Nehemiah 2

Nehemiah’s Five Steps to Success: Part II

2024-11-25T08:17:37-06:00December 10th, 2024|Tags: , , |

This week we’re examining 5 steps Nehemiah took to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls in an amazing 52 days! After he prayerfully assessed the situation his next step was to “Cast a Compelling Vision.”  For 140 years, no one had revived the city of Jerusalem, and few likely believed it was possible, or necessary. Nehemiah, however, had a much bigger vision and ...

Nehemiah’s Five Steps to Success: Part I

2024-11-23T11:58:36-06:00December 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Nehemiah dreamed of rebuilding Jerusalem after it had been mostly rubble for over 140 years. This week we will examine 5 key steps Nehemiah took that paved the way for his team’s amazing success.  The first step is “Prayerfully Assessing the Situation.” When Nehemiah learned that Jerusalem was in ruins his heart broke.   He prayed for 4 months, leading to ...

The Key to Funding

2023-04-02T15:50:51-05:00September 19th, 2022|Tags: , , |

As I presented our annual budget to our board, I knew this coming year was a big step up for us as a ministry. As a former accountant my focus became too much about covering payroll.   Fortunately, my board wisely redirected me to focus on the key to funding. People fund vision, not expense.  Nehemiah was a great vision ...

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