
A Pricing Problem

2019-06-04T12:59:39-05:00June 19th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Kurt was frustrated. He and his wife have worked very hard to grow the customer base of their delivery business, but they weren’t improving their profitability. As I learned about their business, it became evident that Kurt had pricing issues. When asked about how they price a customer transaction, Kurt told me about a formula the previous business owner had ...

Common Mistakes for New Entrepreneurs, Part II

2019-01-02T14:21:40-06:00January 8th, 2019|Tags: , , |

While coaching a young entrepreneur, I was reminded of several common mistakes made by new business owners. The second mistake I see frequently is inadequate bookkeeping. For many business owners, bookkeeping and administration is a bother. New business owners often intermingle personal and business monies in the same checking account. Some rarely keep track of their income and expenses, and ...

Common Mistakes for New Entrepreneurs, Part I

2019-01-02T14:15:45-06:00January 7th, 2019|Tags: , , |

While coaching a young entrepreneur recently, I was reminded of several common mistakes made by new business owners. The first mistake I’ve seen many times is the impact of taxes on a small business. When you collect money from customers, it’s easy to assume it’s all yours. But it’s not all your money! The biggest mistake for many is to ...

Lonely at the Top

2018-10-19T15:29:59-05:00October 30th, 2018|Tags: , , |

A CEO, I’ll call Julie, had an overwhelming season this past year. Daily, Julie was making tough decisions without anyone around her who could relate, empathize, and provide wise counsel. Julie asked me if I knew any female CEOs who might be able to help her. I proposed that she consider either joining a CEO roundtable group of like-minded leaders ...


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