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According to new research from Bank of America Securities, mentions of inflation by CEOs have exploded 800% year-over-year. With age comes some added responsibility to share experiences.
As inflation discussions have increased dramatically, I realized I have some experiences that many leaders have not had. If you are under 50 years old, you have never experienced inflation above 5% in your work life. You would have to be older than 60 to have seen inflation over 10%.
Proverbs 22:3 teaches, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”
Inflation can be brutal and destroy many businesses, so in this series I will discuss ways you can inflation proof your business. Preparing for inflation could save your business lots of money and pain.
How Unconventional Is Your Business?
Take the Unconventional Business LEADING Assessment, a FREE 10-minute leadership assessment designed to help business leaders determine how they are integrating faith into their vocational calling.