Listen to the latest 60 second episode of Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx
Integrity Moments is a 60 second workday devotional that provides business leaders with helpful insight into what the Bible says about our work and how we can fully integrate our faith into our vocational calling.

In the show, Undercover Boss, a CEO goes undercover within their own business, working closely with frontline people to learn more about their business. During the show finale the CEO’s usually give some employees promotions, bonuses or help them with family issues.

Rick Betenbough, founder of Betenbough Homes, contends that this happens because of what he called “close engagement.” When people actually work and get to know each other, a bond and empathy develops, resulting in the desire to help others.

Betenbough claims, “That’s what Christian leaders in business should be doing all the time.”

Romans 13:8 teaches, “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

If you’re having trouble loving your staff, try “close engagement” time with them.


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