Listen to the latest 60 second episode of Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx
Integrity Moments is a 60 second workday devotional that provides business leaders with helpful insight into what the Bible says about our work and how we can fully integrate our faith into our vocational calling.

My first banking job was in the Audit department. Although our audit manager wasn’t a particularly strong leader, the culture seemed peaceful to me. 

That is until Mary was hired. Mary came from the academic world with a PHD and was overly ambitious. 

Mary was only there briefly before she started stating that she thought she would be a better leader than the audit manager. Mary began undermining his authority and lobbying others to her view that our boss should be terminated. 

Our peaceful culture rapidly became toxic. The toxicity didn’t stop until Mary was finally fired. 

James 3:16 teaches, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.” 

Selfish ambition in a workplace is toxic and should be addressed as soon as possible. 

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