Michael Zigarelli, a professor at Messiah University in Pennsylvania, spoke at a God in the Workplace event recently. One of the simple, but profound, insights Mr. Zigarelli reportedly shared was “the starting point for faith at work is faith within.” 

Michael stated that Chick-fil-a doesn’t have a company policy requiring employees to go the extra mile. Instead, Chick-fil-a hires people who have a worldview and beliefs that fit their culture.  

Employees can’t model your values if they don’t believe them.  

Proverbs 11:20 teaches, “The Lord detests those whose hearts are perverse, but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.” 

When hiring, as best as possible we need to discover what lies within the heart of prospective employees. If we want a strong culture, diligently hire those with faith within.