I remember the energy and excitement surrounding the new year of 2020. It was the proverbial year of vision. The perfect vision of “2020” just made starting a new decade all the more fun. There seemed to be a bit higher level of hope and expectation as we launched into the next 10-year era. Even making new year’s resolutions seemed rational and more attainable. Until.

Until the wheels fell off. All of a sudden, we were hearing new buzz words like “pandemic” and “unprecedented” and “coronavirus.” Here we are now, another two New Years since we had to pivot our lifestyles and re-invent new ways to do our old things. Are we brave enough to actually set new goals and make ambitious plans again? Are we ready to choose our “word” for 2022 to be used as a map for what we hope to accomplish this year? Do we dare enter the new year with a sense of hope and expectation like we felt two years ago?

2022 goalsWe are 12 days into the new year, and I have not even paused to reflect on 2021, let alone sat with God in silence and consider what He wants me to attempt this year. I may be able to get away with not setting any personal goals, but if I want to lead an organization in a way that will thrive and honor God, then this is a practice I cannot overlook.

Rick (Boxx) has taught me that the Bible truly is the best business handbook there is. Over and over throughout 2021, I heard stories from business owners sharing how they implemented a principle or practice they learned from scripture that was the critical difference-maker in their organizations. Therefore, I know that I need to sit with God and make some specific goals for this year in order to lead in a godly manner.

However, one of the lessons I hope we all can say we learned in 2020 was to hold our plans loosely and commit every work or plan to God. Proverbs 16:3 NIV tells us to “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” But if we back up to the first verse, we are reminded that although we have our own agenda, ultimately, the answer comes from God. It reads, “To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from the LORD comes the proper answer of the tongue.” (Proverbs 16:1 NIV)

Being a Type A personality by nature, I have to frequently remind myself not to get so dead set on what I am trying to achieve that I miss listening for God to direct my steps daily. I don’t want to be so goal-focused that I forget to be God-focused. I must remember that at the end of the day, my only real goal is to bring God glory. First Corinthians 10:31 NKJV says, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

We could discuss so much more about goal setting, such as strategic methods, acknowledging that in or out of a pandemic, we have no guarantees of time or situations, or exercising our deep hope and faith in Christ by setting goals beyond our own natural abilities. But for today, I pray you and I both put into practice trusting God with our plans and always be God-focused before we are goal-focused.

Thank you for being a part of the UBW community. You matter to God, and you matter to us.