Let’s talk about Goals. Traditionally, January is a time when people set New Year’s Resolutions. They set goals for themselves. Did you make any resolutions this year? Statistically speaking, 92% of 2023 New Year’s Resolutions have already failed or been abandoned. Yup. In fact, according to some studies, that 92% that gave up on their resolutions did so by January 15th. 

Today, I’m going to give you some tips on setting goals that are achievable. Because that’s what we really want, right? Mostly, we don’t want to pursue a goal, we want to HAVE ACHIEVED it. Let’s put in the work and make some progress. You can do this!

1. “Start with the end in mind.” – Steven Covey. Be clear on what you’re really trying to achieve.

2. Prioritize for Balance – Are you placing the right amount of energy into the most important things?

3. Embrace strategic incompetence – Be intentional about doing some things poorly – or not at all – so you do the priority things really, really well.

4. Choose right-sized goals – Stretch yourself within realistic boundaries.

5. Ask for Accountability – Be proactive about requesting that someone keep you accountable for your progress.

6. Be willing to put in the work – Nothing worth having ever comes easily.

7. Break it down into mini-goals – Set short-term goals along the way to keep you focused.

8. Celebrate progress – Reward yourself as you reach those mini-goals.

9. Do routine things routinely – Develop good habits to accomplish the day-to-day tasks that need to be done.

10. Make it FUN! – Not all tasks are fun, but you can instill some fun into them. Be creative!


Brenda Risner is the CEO and Founder of Risner Results. She is a Culture Coach and Leadership Trainer with a focus on communication, teamwork, and mental fitness in the workplace. Brenda is also a Forum Group leader with Unconventional Business Network on the fourth Wednesday of every month in Gladstone, Mo. To learn more about Brenda’s coaching services or inquire about her Forum Group you can visit her website here.