
The Way The World Is

2020-11-10T22:01:25-06:00November 12th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Steve Garber, in his book, Visions of Vocation said, “In the context of one’s calling, how does one learn to see with the eyes of the heart, to see oneself as responsible for the way the world is and isn’t?” Responsibility for the way the world is rests on the shoulders of all human beings. Yet, as followers of Jesus ...

A Biblical Look at Environmentalism

2020-07-16T01:31:48-05:00July 16th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Environmentalism is challenging for many Christians. Some believe the world will end soon, therefore, we need to save the planet, even if it means eliminating a portion of the population. Others exploit the planet and ignore environmental concerns for the sake of enhancing profits. The Biblical view is somewhere in between. In Genesis, God gave man dominion over the earth, ...

Stewarding What We Are

2020-02-07T10:50:37-06:00February 7th, 2020|Tags: , , |

A recent article from Money and the Gospel states, “we must not forget that everything we are and have is part of the stewardship paradigm.”Most of the time when we consider stewardship, we think and talk about financial stewardship. Financial stewardship is only one part of the stewardship paradigm. Stewardship encompasses putting to use and multiplying everything we are and ...

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