
Nehemiah’s Five Steps to Success: Part I

2024-11-23T11:58:36-06:00December 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Nehemiah dreamed of rebuilding Jerusalem after it had been mostly rubble for over 140 years. This week we will examine 5 key steps Nehemiah took that paved the way for his team’s amazing success.  The first step is “Prayerfully Assessing the Situation.” When Nehemiah learned that Jerusalem was in ruins his heart broke.   He prayed for 4 months, leading to ...

Five Ways Business Shapes Our Faith: Part I

2024-10-24T13:24:10-05:00November 18th, 2024|Tags: , , |

With over thirty years’ experience in leading organizations, I’ve discovered several ways that business has shaped my faith. The first and most memorable way is through cash flow challenges.   Over the years, there have been times I’ve been uncertain how we were going to pay our employees. Although God doesn’t have to provide, God has shown up in such profound ...

Make It Through

2024-10-24T11:56:19-05:00November 15th, 2024|Tags: , , |

During a busy time in my career, my calendar overwhelmed me. I kept looking to future weeks for a respite from my workload. I told my wife so many times, “If I can just make it through this week, I’ll be fine,” that it became a joke. At Christmas, she gave me a plaque with those words, to gently mock ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part IV

2024-09-21T13:04:39-05:00October 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the last lesson, we discussed the third key to success, to meditate and learn God’s Word. Unfortunately, learning and meditating on God’s Word only gets you so far.  Joshua was informed that he also had to “be careful to do everything written in it.” Many business leaders quote God’s Word, but if we want God’s favor, He expects our ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part III

2024-09-21T12:53:27-05:00October 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Imagine becoming the successor to the most renown leader of your time and being asked to perform the one feat your predecessor failed to do. This is precisely what Joshua faced when Moses anointed Joshua as his own replacement.   Joshua was fearful and seeking reassurance, but he also wanted to know how he could possibly succeed. So he sought God’s ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part II

2024-09-21T12:45:08-05:00October 15th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Joseph went from being in prison to becoming Pharoah’s right-hand ruler and holding power over all of Egypt. Imagine the following Joseph could have today on the speaking circuit.   Everyone in business wants to know the keys to success in business, and Joseph seemed to have the answers. When we read the story of Joseph the most important key to ...

Five Keys to Success God’s Way: Part I

2024-09-21T12:38:12-05:00October 14th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Abraham’s servant was given a very important responsibility. He was to travel to Abraham’s homeland and find Abraham’s son, Isaac, a wife.  Success was critical. To travel over 400 miles and come back with the wrong woman would be disastrous for the servant.  Once the servant arrived at Abraham’s homeland, the servant still had the daunting task of determining which ...

A Squashed Bible Study

2024-08-09T12:45:16-05:00June 24th, 2024|Tags: , , |

According to the American Center for Law and Justice, an employee of an unnamed hospital in Kansas wanted to start a Bible study over her lunch break. The hospital legal department concluded that a Bible study would not be permitted on hospital premises.   ACLJ informed this hospital that they have violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of ...

The Temptation of Too Much Cash

2024-10-12T15:34:42-05:00May 16th, 2024|Tags: , , |

In the 1990s, Kathy and I joined a Christian healthcare ministry. Eventually they changed their process from sending our dues to those in need, to sending money to corporate. Suspecting foul play, we stopped using their service.  Months later, fraud charges were filed against the organization and CEO.   Recently, the Kansas City Business Journal reported that Medical Cost Sharing, ...

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