Listen to the latest 60 second episode of Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx
Integrity Moments is a 60 second workday devotional that provides business leaders with helpful insight into what the Bible says about our work and how we can fully integrate our faith into our vocational calling.

In this series, we’re pondering the Ten Commandments and how they can relate to our business life. I first thought connecting the sixth commandment to work would be challenging. 

Then I read an article that reported how the Christian Medical and Dental Association sued the Biden administration. The Department of Health and Human Services recently pronounced that doctors had to perform elective abortions in emergency room situations, regardless of their religious beliefs.  

Our government was demanding that doctors, who believe abortion is murder, perform an unthinkable act against innocent unborn babies. 

In Exodus 20:13, the sixth commandment says, “You shall not murder.” 

Fortunately, the courts so far have ruled that these doctors cannot be forced to perform elective abortions against their conscience. These brave doctors took a stand and preserved lives. 

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